
South SFV Today

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stanford releases reports addressing impacts of Oct. 7 events

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John Taylor, Professor of Economics at Stanford University and developer of the "Taylor Rule" for setting interest rates | Stanford University

John Taylor, Professor of Economics at Stanford University and developer of the "Taylor Rule" for setting interest rates | Stanford University

Two reports from separate committees, one from the Subcommittee on Antisemitism and Anti-Israeli Bias and another from the Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian Communities Committee, have been released. These reports highlight the significant impact of the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas on Israel and Israel’s subsequent military response on the Stanford community.

The committees examined a wide range of issues and experiences within their respective communities. They identified numerous ways to address biases while enhancing campus life for everyone. The recommendations cover topics such as campus policies and procedures, norms around campus expression, academic infrastructure, and educational offerings.

The reports were delivered to Stanford President Richard Saller and Provost Persis Drell on May 31. Each report is approximately 150 pages long and is based on hundreds of hours spent listening to the experiences and concerns of Stanford students, staff, faculty, parents, and alumni.

"I have accepted these reports with thanks to the committee members who invested hundreds of hours investigating and articulating these issues," said President Saller. "We are committed to a campus climate at Stanford that is welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds, faiths, nationalities, and points of view."

Saller acknowledged that some issues highlighted in the reports are already being addressed while others suggest additional areas for attention. He emphasized that these reports will contribute to ongoing efforts to build an inclusive campus community where acts of bias and discrimination have no place.

"We also will continue working to promote the skills and practice of constructive discourse across disagreement," he added.




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